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A love letter to Options


My name is Jas

I was 28 years old when I had my first child and living in a relatively new province. Originally, I am from B.C. and moved to the Eastern Townships shortly after COVID began its rampage… but long enough after that the world was already beginning to burn out. Coming from B.C., my French was limited to say the least; learning and improving everyday, but not nearly fluent enough when navigating the prenatal labyrinth.

After getting hung up on by different CLSCs and private clinics who were less than patient with my level of fluency, we found Options! My partner found the website, and originally, we thought that it was another private prenatal clinic. I was pleasantly surprised to realise that I was wrong. It was so much better than that!

Emotionally, at my wits end, both my fuse and my tears were quick to rise these days. When I called number to Options, and got the softest spoken, kind voice answering, I immediately burst into tears. For the first time since I found out I was pregnant, someone was listening to me – the next day I went in for my first meeting and I immediately felt all my fears, frustrations, confusion and sadness melt away.

Coming in, I must be honest, I had my reservations. Options is a Christian organization. Myself, I am not Christian, nor do I particularly believe in an “all mighty God”, but I am also apart of the LGBTQ2A community… I was wary at first for fear that I would be judged, pushed, or even turned away when my truth came out. Instead of waiting, I put all my cards on the table: I am gay, I agree with abortion, I do not believe in your God and do not want to be convinced otherwise. The response I got back? nothing but love. Not only was I approached with acceptance, but a feeling of: there is nothing to accept. The values portrayed were those of love, care, kindness and humanity.

From then on, Options helped me through interpreting hard phone calls with the CLSC, explaining the complicated system, finding (and giving many) product essentials, counseling through hard times, being a friend, finding a Doula to support our journey, the list goes on!

The prenatal support was beyond appreciated – at every moment, I felt I was cared for and cared about – every question was answered and followed up on at each turn. Postnatal, Options was just as involved and inviting whenever I needed them! At the beginning, they offered to come to my house to lessen the stress of leaving postpartum, and then helped encourage me go for a coffee or a workshop they were hosting. Every step of the way, I have been loved and cared for with Options. I have felt nothing but respect from the whole team… and I am so happy to continue my time with them as my daughter ages out, and we welcome our newborn.

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